Influences of the Input Factors towards the Success of an Information System Project
Abstract: This study tried out
three input factors which theoretically affect the success of information
system (IS) project. These factors were adopted from the McLeod and MacDonell’s
(M&M’s) project framework and then examined using survey toward the
internal project stakeholder in a sampled institution. A stratified sampling
was carried out based on the project experience ownership and then sent both
online and paper-based questionnaires to 130 selected respondents. A number of
62 (48%) valid responses were analysed using a partial least squares-structural
equation modelling (PLS-SEM) software. The significances of path coefficients,
the acceptances of hypotheses, the predictors relevances, and the moderate
coefficient determination of the IS project’s success variable present the
proposed model approval for the subsequent studies.
Author: A’ang Subiyakto
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150076