Measuring Information Security Awareness of Indonesian Smartphone Users
Abstract: One of the
information security management elements is an information security awareness programme.
Usually, this programme only involves the employees within an organisation.
Some organisations also consider security awareness for some parties outside
the organisation like providers, vendors, and contractors. This paper add
consumers as variables to be considered in an information security awareness
programme as there are also some threats for the organisation through them. Information
security awareness will be measured from a user’s knowledge, behaviour, and
attitude of five information security focus areas in telecommunications,
especially related to smartphone users as one segment of telecommunication
providers. For smartphone users, information security threats are not only from
the Internet, but also from phone calls or texting. Therefore, the focus area
in this research consists of adhering to security policy, protecting personal
data, fraud/spam SMS, mobile applications, and reporting a security incident.
This research uses an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to measure the information
security awareness level from smartphone users. In total, the result indicated
that the awareness level is good (80%). Although knowledge and attitude
dimension are good criteria of the awareness level, the behaviour dimension is
average. It can be a reason why there are still many information security
breaches against smartphone users despite a good awareness level.
Author: Puspita Kencana Sari,
Journal Code: jptkomputergg140064