One-Time Password Implementation on Lego Mindstorms NXT
Abstract: One of the factors
that affect the security of a network or system is user authentication and
unfortunately at times it can be said not safe anymore. Brute force attacks on
password systems are dominant (static) potential to penetrate network security
or user authentication system. One way to overcome these drawbacks is to use
the One Time Password (OTP) algorithm. OTP is a password security system using
dynamic passwords. The password will be valid only for a session only, and so
want to get into the next session, the password will be changed to the
sequence/combination in accordance with certain rules or randomly determined by
the user. In this research, author will be analyzed how the reliability of the
OTP algorithm by applying it to a LEGO Mindstorm robot. The robot will be
designed into a system where the user will be safe to enter the default
password then the system will change the password every session. The results of
the questionnaire showed that 81% users feel more secure, but more 60% said
difficult to do because the user must perform the calculations in advance to
enter the password.
Author: Barlian Henryranu P,
Heru Nurwarsito, Wijaya Kurniawan
Journal Code: jptkomputergg140081