Simple, Easy-use and Low-cost Software for Design of Single and Cascaded Microring Resonators Using Semi-numerical Method
Abstract: Development of a
simple, easy and low-cost software for designing of waveguide-coupled single
and cascaded microring resonator (MRRs) using semi-numerical calculation based
on transfer matrix method (TMM), is presented in this paper. The software uses
a device model which is embedded on the high index contrast (HIC) structure of
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) with monomodal cavity for TE-mode polarizations,
operating around 1550 nm optical wavelength. The main aim of the software is to
estimate the microring resonator performance parameters, such as free spectral
range (FSR) and quality factor (Q-factor). The software is very simple and easy
to use. With a standard laptop computer, it only takes few seconds to obtain
transmission response, FSR and Q-factor of single MRR for varied waveguides
separation distance and ring radius. The results were then verified using
simulation method based on finite integration technique using 3D
electromagnetic simulator, which need a high memory and processor of computer
and take days to execute the simulation. We found only small discrepancy, which
in averages are about 4.25% and 10.80% for FSR and Q-factor, respectively. In
general, the results obtained from this software are closer to 3D
electromagnetic simulation results.
Author: Budi Mulyanti, Lilik
Hasanah, Tommi Hariyadi, Arjuni B Pantjawati, Heru Yuwono, P. Susthita Menon,
Sahbudin Shaari
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150111