Trusted Node-Based Algorithm to Secure Home Agent NATed IPv4 Network from IPv6 Routing Header Attacks
Abstract: Providing a secure
mobile communication in mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks is a challenging task. One of
the most critical vulnerabilities associated with the IPv6 protocol is the
routing header that potentially may be exploited by attackers to bypass the
security. This paper discusses an algorithm to secure home agent network from
the routing header vulnerability, where the home agent network uses IPv4
Network Address Translation (NAT) router. The algorithm also takes into account
multi-hops destination in the routing header. Verification was done through
implementation of the algorithm at the Home Agent modul in a testbed network.
The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm provides secure communication
between Correspondent nodes and Mobile Nodes that moved into the NATed network without
causing a significance filtering delay.
Author: Mohamed Shenify
Journal Code: jptkomputergg140126