An Automatic Calibration Method for Near-infrared Camera in Optical Surgical Navigation
Abstract: Optical surgical
navigation system (SNS) with near-infrared tracking system is becoming
extensively used in clinics, and the accuracy of SNS is influenced by the
calibration of near-infrared cameras (NIRCs). We propose an automatic
calibration method for NIRCs. The method is based on a designed calibration
board. In our experiments, corners are automatically extracted to obtain the
parameters of NIRCs. This method has the advantages of saving time, efficiency
in computation, high accuracy, and reliability. In our experiments, an NIRC can
be calibrated in only 5 s. Meanwhile, the average relative errors of the focal
length and principal point are 0.87% and 1.39%, respectively.
Author: RongQian Yang, Xuan
Si, QinYong Lin, Ken Cai
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150187