Aplikasi Verifikasi Wajah untuk Absensi pada Platform Android dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Fisherface
ABSTRACT: The face is one part
of the human body which are often used in biometric recognition system for
high-level differences between the faces of the other faces. Android mobile
application with additional security face recognition feature will add to the
security of personal privacy of a person's use of telephone / mobile in
particular that based on android. Extraction is one of the characteristics of
the stages through which the development of biometric facial recognition
systems on attendance face recognition applications. This stage aims to extract
information from the face image so that it can be used as the unique features
of the face in question. In this paper face recognition feature extraction
phase is done by using algorithms Fisherface. The image of the face through the
training process to the alignment faces and extraction fisherface which is then
matched by comparing the value euclidiannya. The trial results in this study
resulted in fisherface algorithm does not affect the change in facial expression,
distance and lighting after testing two hundred thirty facial image database
will still be able to recognize a person's face.
Penulis: I Putu Putrayana
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd160298