Development of Coastal Radar Network at Sunda Strait
Abstract: In this paper,
development on a coastal surveillance radar network, which is called ISRA (Indonesian
Sea Radar), is presented. This radar network was developed for surveillance at
the Sunda strait. The radar network monitors the sea traffics and activities at
the Sunda strait, which an international shipping route. There were three
radars installed for this network. All these radars in this research use FMCW
(Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) technology. This FMCW has an advantage of
low power consumption, low cost of operational, longer life time and high
reliability. Another important feature of this radar is the LPI (Low
Probability of Intercept) capability, where the signal transmission of this
radar cannot be easily detected by a radar detector (Electronic Support
Measure) so that this radar can be used for a covert operation. Detected
targets by radars are shown on the display and on the web based display for the
radar network. These three radars on the remote sites can be monitored and
controlled via an internet connection from the control room in our Bandung
office, which is 300 KMs away. The results of this research and development
show the Indonesian capability to build a complex system such as a chain of coastal
surveillance radar network. The knowledge obtained from this research will be
used to develop more advanced radars for different applications.
Author: Mashury Wahab, Deni
Permana Kurniadi, T. T. Estu, D. Mahmudin
Journal Code: jptkomputergg160194