Development of Dynamic Monitoring System of Cement Kiln’s Axis based on WSN
Abstract: Aiming at the
measurement of cement rotary kiln’s axis, the paper presents the design method
of a wireless dynamic measurement system for rotary kiln’s axis. A wireless
sensor network monitoring system that can collect multiple parameters was
designed, which integrates the detection functions for kiln shell axis
deviation, kiln tire axis deviation and drive gear synchronizing signal, and
has the advantages of wireless transmission, low power consumption, and easy to
install. ZigBee tree network was developed, which is beneficial to expand the
capacity of wireless network, improve the efficiency of data transmission, reduce
the cost, and shorten the development cycle. The sever measurement software was
designed, which has the functions of data wireless acquisition and analysis for
rotary kiln axis. The related prototypes of the monitoring device were
developed, which verified the effectiveness of the system on the cement rotary
Author: Zhiqiang Hu, Huafeng
Journal Code: jptkomputergg160077