Enhanced Payload Data Reduction Approach for Cluster Head (CH) Nodes
Abstract: In this paper, we
suggested two approaches to minimizing the CH packet size by considering the accuracy
of prediction of sensed data at the base station. The proposed coding schemes
based relativedifference (CS-RD) and based the factor of precision (CS-FP)
instead of the absolute change method thathas been used in recent work. The aim
is to enhance the accuracy of prediction data at the base station. Therefore,
the performance metric was evaluated in term of the accuracy of prediction data
at the basestation. Simulation results showed that the proposed approaches
performed better in term of the accuracy of prediction data at the base
station. Specifically, the distortion percentage and average Absolut error in the
CS-RD and CS-FP method decreased by 50% and 88% better than the current new
aggregation method (ADATDC). However, our proposed CS-FP showed a low reduction
ratio for some states.
Author: N. A. M. Alduais, J.
Abdullah, A. Jamil
Journa Code: jptkomputergg170036