Entity Annotation WordPress Plugin using TAGME Technology
Abstract: The development of
internet technology makes more information can be accessed. It makes information
need to be organized in order to be easily managed. One solution can be used is
by using the entity annotation approach which generates tags to represent that
document. In this study, TAGME technology is implemented on a WordPress plugin,
which is used to manage a blog. Moreover, information on Wikipedia ‘Bahasa
Indonesia’ is processed to generate an anchor dictionary which is required by
the technology that is implemented. This plugin performs entity annotation by
giving tag suggestion for posts in a blog. Testing is carried out by measuring
the precision, recall, and of tag suggestions given by the plugin. The result
shows that the plugin can give tag suggestions with precision 0.7638, recall
0.5508, and 0.59.
Author: William Aprilius, Seng
Hansun, Dennis Gunawan
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170155