Green Data Center Design of Udayana University
ABSTRACT: Data center of
Udayana University is not integrated who caused excessive power usage. The
green data center system needs to be applied to the data center of Udayana
University, where the use of power can be more efficient and environmentally
friendly. The purpose of this study is to determine the energy consumption in
the data center of Udayana University and to design a data center in accordance
with the criteria and standards for green data center. Collecting data in this
study using the survey directly into the data center, interviews with IT staff
and analyze the data center. Then, will be calculated green metrics i.e. Power
Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCIE) and
designing a green data center. Based on the research, the result of data center
power consumption is 104.231 w. where the results of the calculation of PUE is
2.51 which is inefficient and DCIE calculation is 39%, which means that the
efficiency of power usage reaches 39%. From the results obtained, will be
redesign the servers clustering to minimize the use of cables and easier for
checking, using a raised floor according to the cooling system was designed,
using a system of electric 3 phase for load balanced, redesign the cooling
system using a row-oriented cooling system and redesign cabling in the data
center. By doing the design of green data center at the University of Udayana,
data center power consumption will be down significantly and efficiency will be
KEYWORDS: green data center,
green metrics, Power Usage Effectiveness, Data Center Infrastructure
Efficiency, row oriented cooling system
Penulis: Komang Ery Rusdiana
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd160300