Intelligent Control of Wind/Photovoltaic Microgrid Information Fusion
Abstract: A full-function
Micro-grid must have an advanced energy storage device. Intelligent control
with multi-information fusion was proposed either in energy storage or in grid
connection control on this paper. Control targets were acquired by mixed
application of various strategies, including Micro-grid peak load shifting be
used to reduce State Utility Grid (SUG) supply pressure, SUG connection be
controlled flexibly to maintain Micro-grid load working reliably, Micro-grid
power production and load supply demands of SUG and Micro-grid be predicted to
plan battery energy storage in advance, actual monitoring date be used to control
overcharge and over-discharge, State of Charge (SOC) be managed to realize
battery efficient storage and full life cycle as far as possible. All designs
were integrated with forecasting and monitoring data from different measuring
points, such as Micro-grid supply side and demand side, the SOC of storage system,
the active and reactive power from SUG side, so as to control the battery
charge and discharge behavior and SUG connection operation dynamically.
Micro-grid could not only operate stand-alone by self-supply in most cases, in
the case of power production surplus or equipment malfunction, the Micro-grid
could also delivery energy to SUG or take power from the SUG flexibly. The
scheme used fully of new energy, could ensure region power supply reliably and
be used widely in application
wind/photovoltaic/storage micro-grid, information fusion, intelligent control,
peak load shifting, battery life
Author: Jianhong Zhu, Wen-xia
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170120