Layout Optimization of Microsatellite Components Using Genetic Algorithm
Abstract: Placing the components
into a container that is normally known as layout optimization problem belongs
to NP-hard problems in terms of computational complexity. This study took the
layout of microsatellite components as a case study to propose a basic solution
strategy for the optimal layout design of a microsatellite. In this case, the
layout should meet the requirements of the mission payload, the launcher and
the spacecraft attitude control. It utilized the novel scheme to find the
various possibilities of optimal layout using genetic algorithm combined with
order-based positioning technique. Each component had a given index and then
placed in a container based on specific order in accordance with a bottom-left algorithm
that was already established. Meanwhile, the placement order was explored by
the genetic algorithm to obtain a sequence that brought the best solution. The
approach had been validated and proven to produce the optimal layout.
Author: Mohammad Mukhayadi
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170115