Mobile-based Expert System for Selecting Broiler Farm Location Using PostGIS
Abstract: Massive development
of broiler farms has led to many socio-environmental problems. Based on idea
that broiler farm must be located at suitable location, an expert system for
site selection based on the socio-environmental factors and sustainable
principles is urgently needed to cope with this problem. The objective of this
research was to develop a mobile-based expert system as a guidance for broiler
farmers to choose best location for broiler farm. There were four factors
considered in the system: 1) ecology and environmental impact, 2) economic and
infrastructure, 3) natural condition, and 4) natural disaster vulnerability,
each of which consists of sub-factors. A mobile-based expert system has been
developed by using opensource web GIS server and PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and can be
installed on Android device. As conclusion, a mobile-based expert system has
been developed and can be used to determine suitable location for broiler farm
Author: Arif Kurnia Wijayanto,
Kudang Boro Seminar, Rudi Afnan
Journal Code: jptkomputergg160236