Penerapan Metoda Decoupled Berbasis Aliran Daya Optimal Pada Sistem Tenaga
Abstract: Optimal power flow
is large scale nonlinear programming problem. It has taken anuals to develop
efficient algorithms for its solution. Study and application of Decoupled
algorithm has been increasing and to be aviable alternative to solve this
In this paper, we describe an implementation of Decoupled algorithm to
solve optimal power flow, using combination of ac load flow and interior point
based linear programming. The optimal power flow formulation uses the total
production cost as the objective function to be minimized, while generation
capability, voltage limits and line flow capability as the constraints that
must be satisfied.
The algorithm has been test cases ; Sumbar Riau load on system.
Computational results show that this algorithm is fast, accurate and robust.
Penulis: Oriza Candra, Elfizon
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd150869