ABSTRACT: Online learning is an effective approach in distance education (PJJ). This approach allows the creation of a virtual classroom, where teachers can still deliver the material directly and collaboratively despite being in separate locations. Unfortunately, the limitations of available applications, especially in the evaluation at the end of the study resulted in the analysis of the evaluation scheme which used to be less easy to digest, especially with regard to quality problems. Therefore, it is necessary that the solution be flexible evaluation of applications and can be used with ease. This study aims to develop learning applications to
improve the evaluation of distance education services, with emphasis on using interactive learning media. The results in this research is a application of online learning evaluation that can be widely accessible through the Internet. The application can be used for a variety of subjects at various levels of education limited by the questions used in the form of multiple choice. This product has been tested for the application feasibility, both in terms of product functionality and usability aspects of the product. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the developed application products fit for use.
KEYWORDS: evaluation of online learning; distance education
Penulis: Muhammad Jauharul Fuady
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd160555

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Jp Teknik Listrik dan Mekatronika dd 2016