Performance Evaluation of Cascaded Multilevel STATCOM using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) Test based on Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS)
Abstract: The cascaded
H-bridge multilevel converter topology has been increasingly utilized for
reactive power compensation purposes for the medium voltage distribution
systems. The static synchronouscompensators (STATCOMs) or static var generators
(SVGs), are difficult to be tested in the field due to the unpredicted network
operation conditons. This paper presents an effective method to test the STATCOM/SVG
controllers based on the real-time digital simulator (RTDS), which has the
benefit of easyimplementation, low cost, online parameter tuning and high
efficiency. The experimental results ofSTATCOM/SVG under steady state and
dynamic conditions are presented to verify the proposedapproach, which can be
widely applied in other grid-interfaced power electronic converters and smart
grid applications.
Author: Lihua Li
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170052