Peripheral Slits Microstrip Antenna Using Log Periodic Technique for Digital Television Broadcasting
Abstract: This paper proposed
a new design of log periodic microstrip antenna using peripheral slits for dgital
video broadcasting applications in DKI Jakarta. Applying peripheral slits can
be reduced the dimension of antenna up to 62.6% with its dimension 400 mm x 150
mm using 4 patches in differentfrequencies. The patches are one another
connected using log periodic technique. The measurementresults showed that the
antenna was operating at frequency ranges of 450 MHz to800 MHz with impedance
bandwidth of 350 MHz, VSWR ≤ 2 and return loss ≤ -10dB. The proposed antenna
could receive 11 DVB stations with high definition quality pictureand only
channel number 24, such as RCTI, Global TV and MNC TV can not reveive signals
as expected.
Author: Indra Surjati
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170053