Recognition of Emotions in Video Clips: The Self-Assessment Manikin Validation
Abstract: Many research
domains use video contents as stimuli for study on human emotions. A video
content within a particular genre or a specific theme evokes dynamic emotions
that are highly useful in many research fields. The present study proposed a
set of video-clip stimuli that embody four emotions under specific genres of
movies, namely happiness, calmness, sadness and fear. Two experiments (a
preliminary and a validation) were conducted in order to validate the video
clips. Self-Assessment Manikin was utilized to rate the videos. All the video
clips were rated with respect to valence and arousal judgment. In the
preliminary experiment, the video clips were rated in terms of how clearly the
expected emotions were evoked. The validation experiment was conducted to
confirm the results from preliminary experiment, and only video clips with high
recognition rates were included into data set.
Author: Dini Handayani, Abdul
Wahab, Hamwira Yaacob
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150180