Social Media Success Model for Knowledge Sharing (Scale Development and Validation)
Abstract: This study aimed to
evaluate the success of social media as a means of sharing knowledge among
scholars in Indonesia. By using Information System Success Model (DeLone and
McLean), this study develops a research model that will be used to investigate
what factors are contributing to the success of social media as tool for
sharing knowledge among academics. This article would focus on the discussion
of instrument development and validation process. The method for development
and validation the research instrument was refers to the framework proposed by
McKanzie et al. This study resulted in a validated instrument, the instrument
could use by researchers who are interested in study social media success for
knowledge sharing.
Author: Setiawan Assegaff,
Hendri, Akwan Sunoto, Herti Yani, Desy Kisbiyanti
Journal Code: jptkomputergg170188