Evaluasi Sifat Ovisidal dan Nimfasidal Insektisida Buprofezin 100 g/l terhadap Telur dan Nimfa Wereng Coklat, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
Abstract: Evaluation of
ovicidal and nymphcidal properties of buprofezin 100 g/linsecticide to eggs and
nymphs of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens(Stal.) (Hemiptera:
Delphacidae). Research was carried out in screen house ofSukamandi, Indonesian
Center for Rice Research (ICRR) in the wet season of 2013. Theresearch used
randomized block design with 5 doses levels insecticide treatment of
buprofezin100 g/l and four replications. The buprofezin treatments were 250,
500, 750, 1000, and 1500ml/ha compared with control without insecticide. The
objective of the research to evaluate ofovicidal and nymphcidal of buprofezin
to brown planthopper (BPH). The results showed thatthe ovicidal properties of
buprofezin 100 g/l with a range doses of treatments to BPH eggsthat application
at 5 days after inoculation with eggs remains in the plant tissue were
39,79-94,88%. The raising ovicidal of buprofezin were 74,84-99,5% that applied
at 9 days afterinoculation with eggs remains in the plant tissue. In the other
hand the ovicidal properties ofbuprofezin decreased dramatically were 20-48%
that applied at 5 days after inoculation andthen BPH eggs removed from plant
tissue (dissected) at 9 days after inoculation. The higherovicidal properties
of buprofezin is better in the plant tissue than in the dissected eggs
treated,because buprofezin working on eggs in plant tissue as a systemic
insecticide. The dissectedBPH eggs of rice treated to show the normal eggs
shape and no eggs contracted. Theunhatched eggs of buprofezin treatments were
milk white due to insecticide effect, sometranslucent color with a red dot as a
fertile eggs or without a red dot as unfertile eggs.Buprofezin was the
excellent nymphcidal insecticide with the value of the efficacy to BPHnymphs
were very high about 87,44 -100% for a range doses treatments. Buprofezin did
notresurgence effect, moreover this insecticides still have ovicidal and
nimphcidal properties as abasic to reduce offspring of brown planthopper.
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160385