Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Sumber Daya Genetik Tanaman Buah-Buahan Lokal di Kabupaten Tabanan
Abstract: Identification and
Characterization of Genetic Resources of Local Fruits inTabanan. The fruit is a
source of vitamins and minerals that ensure the metabolic processesin the human
body, some of which can also be used as medicines, cosmetics, SPA
(massage)social and culture as a means to use for the material of offerings.
Tabanan regency, as well asother areas in Bali has a variety of fruit but the
resources still underutilized. This researchaims to identify the type of fruit
genetic resources in Tabanan, profile the genetic resourcesregarding the
morphology of fruit and agronomic characters, as well as to compile
thegeographical spread map and diversity of fruits. Identification and
characterization as well asthe distribution map is very important for the
conservation, development and utilization ofgenetic resources in Tabanan
Regency. The results of the research conducted in Tabanan,found 31 type and 52
subtype local fruit, with 6 different types of eminent fruit, 15 kinds ofrare
fruits, 12 kinds of fruit that usually use for upakara and 4 types of fruits
that are use asmedicine. Based on the results of the survey conducted in
tabanan then it can be possible tocomposed 34 geographical local fruit spread
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160381