Keragaman Jamur yang Mengkontaminasi Beras dan Jagung di Pasar Tradisional Denpasar
ABSTRACT: The diversity of
fungi that contaminate rice and corn in the traditional market of Denpasar.
Rice and corn are food commodities consumed daily by the public,but the rice
and corn has been contaminated by a fungus, during the process of
transportationand storage of experience. So it appears the author wishes to
examine how big fungus hascontaminated rice and corn in the traditional market
town of Denpasar. Research conducted atthe Laboratory of Plant Pathology, from
April to June 2016. Research carried out consistedof: (1) isolating fungi that
contaminate the rice and corn, and identify microscopymorphological, and (2)
determine the diversity index and dominance index, as wellprevaliensi fungal
contamination. Identify the genera level, using reference books Samson et al.,
1981; Pitt dan Hocking, 1997; Barnett dan Hunter, 1998; dan Indrawati et al.,
1999. Theresults showed that the fungus can contaminate both the rice and corn
in the market Kereneng,Agung, Badung and Ketapaian were Aspergillus flavus,
Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus spp.The highest prevalence of fungi that
contaminate both the rice and maize are the A. flavus,73.61 % and 92.96 %
respectively. Index of diversity in rice and corn amounting to 0.742 0,302.
Index of dominance in rice and maize respectively 0.581 and 0.867. Aflatoxins
werefound to have not reached the threshold tolerated (20 ppb) is in the rice
at 0 ppb, while thelargest corn at 2,133 ppb in Kereneng market.
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd170009