Metode Flyback pada Pembangkitan Tegangan Tinggi untuk Aplikasi Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Abstract: Flyback is one of
high voltage generation methods using a low voltage source. This method has a
simple circuit, which consists of two main components for generating the high
voltage. In this study, flyback method is used to generate high voltage on
plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) application. PEO is a process that combine
electrochemical oxidation process and high voltage spark. This application
needs high voltage to produce plasma. The plasma is used to form a new surface
coating on metal. Flyback circuit is succesfully simulated on LTSpice IV.
Voltage value and waveform on simulation has been observed and compared with
the real one. The measured and observed part is IGB gate, output voltage of
transformer before diode, and load voltage after diode. Flyback effect and
waveform on simulation has the similiar result with the real one. A 10 volt
input voltage can produce output voltage on the average of 1 kilovolt.
Therefore, flyback simulation is able to represent flyback ability on real
circuit for generating high voltage which can be used on high voltage generation
for PEO application.
Penulis: Kumala Mahda Habsari,
Wijono Wijono, D.J. Djoko H.S
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170501