Pengaruh Pemberian Beberapa Konsentrasi Bahan Pengawet Chrysal terhadap Kesegaran Bunga Sedap Malam (Polianthes tuberosa)
ABSTRACT: Effect of several
concentrations of preservatives Chrysal the tuberose flower freshness
(Polianthes tuberosa). Nowadays, ordering tuberosa cut flower is increasing, but
the main problem which is often happen for tuberose flower is the short vase
life oftuberose cut flower freshness. One of appropriate strategies that can be
used to improve flower freshness is the use of preservatives. The main function
of preservatives is as improving for the vase life of cut flower freshness.
Chrysal preservatives are a soaking liquidwhich contains sucrose, dextrose, and
citric acid in order to improve vase life of flower. Thisresearch is aimed to
identify the influence of Chrysal to improve vase life of tuberose flowerfreshness.
This research is conducted in Post-harvest Technology Laboratory of Agriculture
Technology Faculty in Udayana University. This research uses complete random
sequences(RAK) based on one factor namely Chrysal concentrative. Each action
including fiverepetitions and a trial includes two stems of tuberose cut
flower. The outcome shows that Chrysal concentrative influences the significant
for four variables namely, percentages offlower blossom, flower freshness, long
flower freshness, and the total of absorbed solution.The actions of
concentrative Chrysal influence significant for weight loss. The short vase
lifeof flower freshness are haven on using Chrysal concentrative 0 mg (C0)
along four days, andthe long vase life of flower freshness are haven on using
Chrysal concetrative 1000 mg (C4)for five or four days.
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd170010