Peningkatan Kapasitas Penyisipan Audio Data Hiding Berbasiskan Modifikasi Metode Least Significant Digit
Abstract: Nowadays, the needs
of data security is proportional to the amount of data usage as the effect from
easiness in internet access. There are many ways to protect data in order to
avoid data leakage, such as cryptography, watermarking, and data hiding. The latter
is conducted by hiding secret data into a carrier. A popular method in data
hiding is Least significant digit (LSD). The hiding is carried out by changing
the value of binary secret data into decimal in specific segment. Then, the
decimal value of secret data is inserted into the carrier. The process in LSD
method is relatively simple and easier to implement, but the LSD has weakness
in pivoting point as reference of data changes. This results in a change into
the original data carrier. Additionally, this also has limited amount of data
capacity that can be inserted. On the other hand, Global-Section Search method
(GSS) is an optimization method used to find an optimum value between two
signals. Newly acquired signal GSS is further used as a pivoting point and slot
area to paste the data secret. This study proposes a new method of data hiding
by using Least Significant Digit and Global-section search (LSD-GSS) to
increase the capacity of secret data insertion. The performance of LSD-GSS as
proposed method is tested by comparing the LSD method and using 15 data sets of
audio in various genres as carrier media and various large capacity of 12
secret data. SNR is used to find out the quality of hidden data audio. The
experimental result shows that the LSD-GSS has increased the capacity of secret
data that can be inserted without changing the original data carrier.
Keywords: Keamanan Informasi,
Penyisipan Data, Proteksi Data, Least Significant Digit, Golden-Section Search
Penulis: Tegar Palyus Fiqar,
Tohari Ahmad
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170494