ABSTRACT: The ultimate impact
of economic changes, government policies and programs on consumption are determined
by responses of households. The predicted reaction of households to
intervention should be a crucial factor in assessing the merits of various
policy alternatives. The results of thepresent work hopefully enrich our understanding
of farm household rice demand behavior. Rice consumption needs special mention,
since the commodity is strategic and is highly preferred in basic diet.
The study used AIDS (Almost Ideal Demand System) model to evaluate the
rice demand behaviorof rice farm households. In this system approach,
econometrics and judgment are employed inobtaining parameter estimates that
meet the restriction which, in part, are of a theoreticalnature. Data used in
this study was data at household level that has been collected through Patanas
(National Farmers Panel). The estimated results clearly showed that rice demand
wasprice inelastic. The estimated income elasticity gave significant results
statistically. Income elasticity for rice was also less than unity. In general,
estimated elasticities were quite plausible
Penulis: Harianto dan Dwi
Astuti Bertha Susila
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090131