ABSTRACT: This research aims to reveal the effect of the particles and concentrations of cement boad on the physical and mechanical properties of the cement particle board. The cement particle board is made from the trunk of pandan mengkuang (pandanus atrocarpus Griff) taken from of ambawang subdistrics, Sungai Raya Regency. The size of particles used were coarse particles passing through on 4 mesh and restrained on 6 mesh, medium-size particles paissing through on 6 mesh and restrained on 8 mesh and fine particles passing through on 8 mesh and restrained on 10 mesh. The concentrasions of the cement bond used were 100%, 125% and 150% of the raw material weight. The particle board were made in size of 30cm x 30cm x 2,5cm with a target density of 0,46g/cm 3  at a pressure of 60 kg/cm 2 for 1 minute. There was also the standar of physical and mechanical properties carried out in accordance with DIN. Hydratation test performed showed that the best temperature was 46.5 o C in the excellent category of the LPHH Bogor. The results of the study showed that the factor A (particle size) had a very significant effect on the moisture content of cement particle board and reduction in thickness due to surface pressure at 3 kg/cm 2 for 1 minute, but no real effect on the density and static bending Strength Modulus of Rupture (MOR). Meanwhile the factor B namely (cement content), had a very significant effect on density and no significant effect on the moisture content, static bending strength Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and the reduction in thickness due to surface pressure at 3 kg/cm 2 for 1 minute, while the interaction of the two factors (ab) had no significant effect on the moisture content, density and static bending strength Modulus of Rupture (MOR), but had a very significant effect on the reduction of the surface pressure at 3 kg/cm 2 for 1 minute. The results of the study showed that the factor a2 (medium-size particles) and factors b3 (cement content at 150%) provided optimal result on cement particle board made from mengkuang trunk in the test of thickness reduction due to surface pressure at 3 kg/cm 2 .
Keywords: cement, cement particle board, Pandan Menkuang
Penulis: I Ketut Agus Arjana Adi Putra, M. Dirhamsyah, Gusti Eva Tavita
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd170103

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Jp Kehutanan dd 2017