Abstract: Barb (Barbonymus
balleroides) considerably has economic potential as aquaculture commodity.
However, there was still lack of development on aquaculture for this species.
This study was conducted to observe the effect of different stocking density on
growth of barb. The fish (body weight: 14.89 ± 0.13 g) were stocked in nine
floating nets (dimension: 2 m x 2 m x 1 m) inside the concrete ponds with three
stocking density treatments (10, 15, and 20 fish/m3). Each treatment consisted
of three replications. Fish were fed on commercial pellet (30% of crude
protein) as much as 3% of the biomass per day with twice a day of feeding
frequency. Data of growth performances (body weight, specific growth rate,
average daily growth, biomass, food conversion ratio, and survival rate) were
collected every 30 days during 90 days of rearing period. Water quality
variables (temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen) were observed during
experiment. The results showed that the optimal stocking density for the growth
of barb was 10 fish/m3. Best value of food conversion ratio was found 10
fish/m3 compared with 15 and 20 fish/m3 (P<0.05). Meanwhile, there were no
significant differences on survival rate between treatments. These results also
showed the potential of rearing barb on culture ponds with appropriate stocking
Keywords: Barbonymus
balleroides; domestication; growth; stocking density
Author: Otong Zenal Arifin,
Jojo Subagja, Vitas Atmadi Prakoso, Endang Haris Suhud
Journal Code: jpperikanangg170016

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