Abstract: Hypertension is a
major public health problem in Indonesia and other developingcountries.
Hypertension prevalence in Indonesia is 6,8 % . Farmersin Ringins
Villagesusceptible to hypertension, becauseof smooking behavior,consumption
coffee, lessexercise andhadless of sodium intake. Objective. To
analysecorelation between age, drinking coffee, smoking habbits, exercise
habits ands sodium intakewith hypertension inthe Ringins Village, Rembang .
Methods. Explanatory research designewithcross sectional approach.
Populationsare35farmersand all of them being sample.The independent variablesis
age, drinking coffee, smoking habbits, exercise habbits, and consume ofintake
sodium. The dependent variableis hypertension. statistical testused is Pearson
correlation and Spearman Ranktest are used is this research. Results: most
ofrespondents (62,9%) isin middleaged (41 -60years), 42.9% respondents had the
habit of drinking coffee, most of respondents (54.3%) had habbit ofnot smoking,
majority of respondentshad a habit ofregularexercise (91.4%), most of
respondents (54.3%) had less of sodiumintakeandmost of respondents (62.9%) had
hypertension. There is significant corelations between consumption cofee with
hypertension ( p= 0,015), there is no significant correlations between smoking
( p= 0,709), exercise habits ( p= 0,262) and natrium intake ( p=0,218 ) with
hypertension. Conclusion.: There is significant corelations between age, and
consumption coffe with hypertension, but no corelation between smoking,
exercise habits and natrium intake with hypertension.
Keywords: Hypertension,
farmers, age, life style
Penulis: Marlinda Putri
Hartanti, Mifbakhuddin M
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd150705