Efektivitas ekstrak umbi sarang semut (myrmecodia pendens merr.& perry) sebagai penurun kadar glukosa darah tikus sprague dawley yang diabetes mellitus
Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus
(DM) is a disease associated with pancreatic β cell damage and causes
hyperglycemia Antioxidants were effective in reducing the state of
hyperglycemia that was triggered by free radicals. Sarang semut contains
flavonoids and tannins that act as antioxidants.
Objective : The purpose to analyze the effectiveness of sarang semut stem
extract as lowering blood glucose on diabetic white male Sprague Dawley rats.
Method : True experimental with 30 rats which divided into five groups :
negative control (DM+ water), positive control (DM+glibenklamid) and 3
treatment groups of DM + water extract of
sarang semut stem powder 90 mg/200gBW, 180 mg/200g BW and 360/200g BW
respectively. DM was induced by 65mg/kgBW Streptozotocin and 230 mg/kgBW
Nicotinamide intraperitonealy. Extract was given by sonde. The data was
analyzed by Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney.
Results : IC50 value of sarang
semut stem extract were 6,56-10,07 mg/ml in powder and 9,12-15,62 mg/ml whole.
The average rats weight alteration on groups of negative control, positive
control, and 3 treatment groups of DM +
water extract of sarang semut stem
powder 90 mg/200gBW, 180 mg/200g BW and 360/200g BW before and after treatment
were -7,60± -0,40; 25,80±0,51; 16,40±0,44; 17,20±1,28 dan 19,20±0,06 gram
respectively (ρ=0,001). The average fasting blood glucose level on groups of
negative control, positive control, and
3 treatment groups of DM + water extract of
sarang semut stem powder 90 mg/200gBW, 180 mg/200g BW and 360/200g BW
before and after treatment were 3,33±2,42; -122,44±-0,51; -79,42±-11,38;
-94,08±-11,97 and -134,66±-2,59 mg/dL respectively (ρ=0,001).
Conclusion : The IC50 value in sarang semut stem powder was higher than
a whole form. Dose of 360 mg/200g BW lowered blood glucose better than 90 and
180 /200g BW dosage.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus,
sarang semut stem, water extract, fasting blood glucose
Penulis: Maxianus Kopong Raya,
Anang M. Legowo, Noor Wijayahadi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160561