ABSTRACT: Wet cupping therapy
widely used to reduce the pain, but the mechanisms of pain reduction on wet
cuppig therapy is unclear. Stretching and punctures on wet cupping therapy
cause stress on the cell. Cells that are stressed express HSP 70 and mu opioid
receptors. This study aims to prove the correlation increased expression of HSP
70 and an increase in post-mu opioid receptor wet cupping therapy. Methods: The
study is an experimental research design with randomized control group
post-test only design. Twenty-four rats type Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) were
randomly divided into three groups, each consisting of eight mice are negative
control group (normal mice), group induction of pain with Complete Freund's
Adjuvant (CFA) alone (positive control) and group by induction of pain and
bekam basah therapy (10 puncture and negative pressure: - 200 mmHg, 5 minutes).
Samples were taken from the skin and immunohistochemical examination with the
monoclonal antibody anti mu opioid receptors. The reaction time pain threshold
measured using a hot-plate. Data were analyzed by oneway ANOVA and Pearson
Correlation using SPSS version 17. Results: This study shows that there is an
increased expression of HSP 70 (P <0.05) compared to the positive control
group (p <0.05) and increased expression of mu opioid receptors ( p
<0.05) compared to the positive control group (p <0.05). There is an
increased pain threshold reaction time (p <0.05) compared to the positive
controls (11.78 ± 3.56). There is a correlation between an increased expression
of HSP 70 and an increase in mu opioid receptor (β = 0893; p = 0.000) and there
was a correlation between the increase in mu opioid receptor with a reaction
time of pain threshold (β = 0713; p = 0.002). Discussion: Wet cupping therapy
increase HSP 70 expression, opioid mu receptor, and decrease pain level.
KEYWORDS: HSP 70, mu opioid
receptors, wet cupping therapy
Penulis: Imam Subadi, Hening
Laswati, Harjanto JM
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160416