Konsumsi makanan tinggi natrium, kesukaan rasa asin, berat badan, dan tekanan darah pada anak sekolah
Abstract: It is a fact that
natrium consumption relates to hypertension and the risk of heart disease and
stroke. Even though it is common happened in later life, hypertension can be
started in early age.
Objective: The aim of the study is to identify salty food preference,
high natrium food consumption, natrium intake, weight and its correlation with
blood pressure among schoolchildren.
Method: The study used cross-sectional design. There were 151 samples
from junior high school chosen by purposive sampling. Food salty level data was
assessed by eating the snack with three different salt concentration. High and
low natrium source food and natrium intake data were taken using
semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Blood pressure was measured by
sphygmomanometer digital. Bivariate analysis was used Chi-square and Rank
Spearman test.
Results: The study revealed that 74,2% children prefer snack with the
salt level above recommendation (> 0,5 gr salt per portion ). There were
22,5% children have natrium intake from food only ≥2000 mg (above
recommendation). As much as 35,8% children fall into hypertension category
based on their blood pressure (BP) level. There was a significant relationship
between high natrium food consumption score with natrium intake (p=0,002).
There were significant correlation between weight with systolic and diastolic
BP ((p=0,000 r=-0,549 and p=0,000 r=-0,412). There were no correlation between
atrium intake with systolic and diastolic BP (p=0,764; r= 0,0025 and p=0,819 r=0,19).
Conclusion: Healthy food and maintaining normal weight information and
education must be done for children as early as possible.
Keywords: blood pressure;
natrium intake; salty food preference; school children; weight
Penulis: Heni Hendriyani, Enik
Sulistyowati, Astidio Noviardhi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160584