Pemberian jus buah vitamin C dan madu menurunkan disfungsi rongga mulut pada anak akibat kemoterapi
Abstract: Dysfunction of the
oral cavity is a common side effect of chemotherapy that occurs in children who
are undergoing chemotherapy. To prevent a decline in quality of life of
children with cancer, immediate treatment by maintaining nutritional balance is
needed. This study aimed to determine the effect of vitamin C fruit juice to
dysfunction of the oral cavity in children undergoing chemotherapy at Sanglah
Methods : This was a quasi-experimental study with nonrandomized pre and
posttest with control group design. Samples were taken using total sampling
method, consisted of 26 children aged 3-12 years. Vitamin C intake rated by
evaluation of vitamin C juice residue and dysfunction of the oral cavity were
assayed by Beck Oral Assessment Scale (BOAS). The entire samples were given
vitamin C fruit juice in accordance with BOAS score for 5 days. Normality test
of pre-test, post-test and the difference between pre and post test data with
Shapiro Wilk test showed that data were normally distributed (α> 0.05) so
that data was analyzed using parametric test paired independent sample - test
with a score of 0.001 and 95% level of significance.
Results : Results of analysis showed differences of oral cavity
dysfunction score before and after fruit juice vitamin C treatment. Before
treatment, mean of oral cavity dysfunction score in control group was 13.1 ±
2.1 and 12.8 ± 0.9 in treatment group. Mean of oral cavity dysfunction score
after administration of oral vitamin C fruit juice in the control group and
treatment group was 10.8 ± 1.8 and 8.2 ± 1.4, respectively.
Conclusion : There were an effect of vitamin C fruit juice and honey
decrese of oral cavity dysfunction in children aged 3-12 years who were
undergoing chemotherapy
Keywords: vitamin c fruit
juice, dysfunction of the oral, children, chemoteraphy
Penulis: Gusti Ayu Nyoman
Hariani, Ni Putu Eny Sulistyadewi, I Gusti Ayu Wita Kusumawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160571