Pengaruh Pelatihan Cuci Tangan Bersih dengan Metode Bermain Puzzle terhadap Kemampuan Melakukan Cuci Tangan Anak Tunagrahita di SDLB-C TPA Kabupaten Jember

ABSTRACT: Children with mental retardation are children who have a disruption to their intellegence level. One of the problem that occurs to them is their inability to perform hands washing. An attempt to improve their ability is to give hands washing training with puzzle method. This study aimed to analyze the effect of hands washing training with puzzle method to ability to wash hands ofchildren with mental retardation at SDLB-C TPA in Jember. Study design was a pre experimental research with pretest-posttest group. The samples were 25 children with mental retardation. Data analysis used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The result showed that there was an effect of hands washing training with puzzle method with ability to wash hands of children with mental retardation at SDLB-C TPA in Jember (p value <0.05). Recommendation of this study is the need of the school to have hands washing facility such as an “emergency” wastafel, soap, and tissue paperprovided anytime
Keywords: Hand Washing, Mental Retardation, Puzzle
Penulis: Yunus Nur Zakarya
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160529

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