Pengaruh suplementasi taburia (sprinkle) terhadap kadar hemoglobin balita gizi kurang usia 3-5 tahun di Kecamatan Lewimunding Kabupaten Majalengka
Abstract: Anemia is the most
common nutritional problem found in the world, whichal sooccurred in under five
children. Anemia is one of themain nutritional problems in Indonesia. Anemia
treatment by iron (Fe) supplementation the community level were not successfull
yet. This research aimed to investigate the effect of sprinkle supplementation
on hemoglobin level of malnourished children aged 3-5 years.
Method: Randomized pretest - posttest control group design was
implemented on 66 anemic malnourished children aged 3-5 years. Study was
conducted in Lewimunding subdistrict. Subjects were divided into two groups,
treatment and control groups. Sprinkle supplementation and nurition education
were given to treatment group for 2 months, while control group were only
recieved nutrition education. All subjects treated by 400 mg Albendazol before
supplementation. Data were nutrient intake collected by 24 hour Recall method.
Hb was measured by Cyamethaemoglobin. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney, Independent Sample Test, Wilcoxon Signed
Ranks, Paired Test and linear regression method.
Result: There was no difference in energy, protein, iron, vitamin B6,
vitamin B12 and vitamin C on both treatment and control groups. There is no
difference in hemoglobin levels between the groups before supplementation
(p=0.290). Hemoglobin increased on treatment group from (11.14±0.85 mg/dl) to
(12.31±0.55 mg/dl) with p=0.001. Hemoglobin also increased from (10,95 ± 0,71
mg/dl) to (11,81 ±0,53 mg/dl) in the control group (p=0.001). Sprinkle supplementation increased by hemoglobin
level 0.69 mg/dl higher than the control
group (p=0.001). Multivariate analysis that hemoglobin level increased by 0.66 mg/dl higher compared to the control
group after controlled by initial hemoglobin.
Conclusion: Sprinkle supplementation for two months increase hemoglobin
level of anemic malnourished children.
Keywords: Anemia, sprinkle
supplementation, malnourished, children, hemoglobin
Penulis: Teguh Akbar Budiana,
Martha Irene Kartasurya, Judiono
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160567