Perbedaan pengetahuan dan praktik pemberian makan serta perkembangan anak 6-24 bulan pada ibu usia remaja dan dewasa
Abstract: Preparing quality
human resource for the future, children are being the most attention of the
growth and development optimally. Critical aged of them is 0-2 years old.
Pregnancy and giving birth on adolescence are still being the factors.
Knowledge and feeding practice are also factors being the basic need for children
development optimally.
Objective: To know the difference between knowledge, feeding practice,
and children development aged 6-24 months on adolescent and adult mother in
Kasihan Primary Health Care, Bantul district, Yogyakarta.
Method: This research was observational with a cross-sectional design. It
held on July -September 2015 in work area of Kasihan subdistrict, Bantul
district, Yogyakarta. Population defined as mother aged 15-40 years that lives
in Kasihan subdistrict. The sample was taken using nonprobability consecutive
technique sampling. It was got 66 children aged 6-24 months old with no having
congenital defects, no following special development stimulation program, and being able and want to follow this
research as inclusion criteria. In this research, a mother was measured of
knowledge level and feeding practice to her child, even though the child was
measured off his/her development using BSID III. Data were analyzed using
Results: Adolescent mothers had a significantly larger proportion of
children experiencing developmental disorders and feeding practices are less
good compared with adult mothers.
Conclusion: Adult mother has better knowledge and feeding practice than
adolescent mothers. Adult mother also has a child with better developmental
status than adolescent mothers.
Keywords: adolescent mothers;
child development; feeding knowledge; feeding practice
Penulis: Rachmawati Widyaningrum
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160583