Perbedaan perubahan berat badan, aktivitas fisik, dan kontrol glukosa darah antara anggota organisasi penyandang diabetes melitus dan non anggota
Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus
(DM) is a metabolic disease that can not be cured, but the blood glucose levels
can be controlled with diabetes management. There is organization in Indonesia
for people with diabetes mellitus called Persadia (Persatuan Diabetes
Indonesia). Patients who join diabetes peer group is expected to have a better
Objective: To determine differences in weight changes, physical activity,
and blood glucose control between Persadia members and non members.
Method: Cross sectional study, with 42 subjects. The subjects were type 2
DM outpatients in Pantiwilasa Citarum Hospital, choosen by consecutive sampling
and devided into 2 groups, Persadia members and non members. Weight changes was
the difference of current weight with weight
from 3 months ago. Physical activity was exercise habits and measured by
questionnaire. Blood glucose control was glucose concentrations and measured by
HbA1C examination. Statistical analysis used was Chi Square,
Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Fisher.
Result: Persadia group members had more frequent physical activity
(52.4%) than non-member groups (9.6%). Based on statistical analysis there is a
difference of physical activity between Persadia group members and non members
(p = 0,042). While on weight change (p = 0,537) and blood glucose control (p =
0,663) there was no difference between Persadia member and non member.
Conclusion: There is a difference between Persadia members and
non-members on physical activity. However, there was no difference in weight
change and blood glucose control between Persadia and non-member members.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus,
Weight Changes, Physical Activity, Blood Glucose Control, Peer Group
Penulis: Dewi Marfu’ah
Kurniawati, M. Isnawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd160559