Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Kemampuan Proteksi terhadap Kerusakan DNA dari Protein Isolat Biji Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon L.) Terhidrolisis Menggunakan Alkalase Terimobilisasi
ABSTRACT: Hydrolyzed protein
isolates of melinjo seed using free alcalase has been known to have antioxidant
potential. However, free alcalase can only be used once. Enzymes immobilization
technique with entrapment method would overcome this problem. The immobilized
enzyme characteristic was observed by SEM and hydrolysis degree value. The
success of hydrolysis process was observed by SDS-PAGE. Antioxidant activity
test was determined by the ability to inhibit hydroxyl radical and protection
against DNA damage in 1% agarose gel. The result showed that protein isolates
from melinjo seed had been successfully hydrolyzed by immobilized alcalase.
Following hydrolysis showed that immobilized alcalase was effective to
hydrolyze protein up to four times. Based on hydroxyl radical reduction
activity test, antioxidant activity of hydrolyzed protein using immobilized
alcalase had the same as that of glutathione as positive control antioxidant
activity. In addition, hydrolyzed protein using immobilized alcalase had the
ability to protect DNA damage which showed by reversible change of supercoil
Keywords: melinjo seed,
hydrolyzed protein, immobilized alcalase, antioxidant
Penulis: Anandini Aulia
Safiera, Endah Puspitasari, Tri Agus Siswoyo
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170089