ABSTRACT: Every minute a
mother died because of the cause related to pregnancy and childbirth. From each
death, it is estimated that there are 100 women who survived delivery time, but
experienced physical disability and pain due to pregnancy and childbirth. The
results showed, if a baby is less than 3 months of age to die of his mother,
then the probability of survival of the baby is only about 30%. This means that
if a mother died when her baby was less than 3 months then the risk of death by
70%. The research in this study is a case of control with a retrospective
approach, namely data retrieval starting from the outcome. In this study we
compared the possible factors causing maternal deaths among mothers who died
with mothers who did not die of pregnancy, childbirth or childbirth. Data
analysis in this research is done by using SPSS program. Data analysis is done
in two stages. The first step is to conduct descriptive analysis of Age
variable, education level, Parity, Number of Visits of Antenatal Care, Birth
Attenden based on Maternal Death. In addition to the description of maternal
deaths based on causes, time of death, place of incidence and duration of care in
hospitals. The second stage analyzes the relationship between Age, education
level, Parity, Number of Antenatal Care Visits,, Birth helpers using
Chi-Square. The results showed that most of the incidence of maternal mortality
in Kabupaten Cilacap occurred at low risk age (60%), in terms of education with
low education status (80%), in terms of parity in low risk category (70%), the
number of visits of ANC at the frequency of 4X (100%), in the case of birth
attendant is entirely assisted by health personnel (100%), based on the most
causes in other causes category (52%), 64%), in terms of place of death in the
hospital (92%), and in terms of duration in the hospital within <48 hours
(56.6%). Chi Square analysis results obtained that the level of education and
Parity have a significant relationship to maternal mortality (p <0.05). As
for age variable, ANC frequency, birth attendant did not significantly
influence maternal mortality (p> 0,05).
Keywords: Maternal Mortality
Penulis: Johariyah
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170357