Analisis Kantin Sekolah SD Negeri Mangunsari 03 Salatiga Berdasarkan Kebijakan Pemerintah
Abstract: Children prevalence
on nutrition double burden condition in Indonesia remains high. Children
prevalence under 5 years old for malnutrition is 19.7% while stunting is 37.2%,
and combination between overweight and obesity is 11.9%. One way to solve this
condition is through school canteen. School canteen can become solution because
one purpose of school canteen is to make their student become healthy children.
The importance of school canteen make school canteen in SD Negeri Mangunsari 03
Salatiga that already did healthy canteen require deep analysis toward existed
government policy. Method: this research used qualitative methods with
interview and observation. Results: The observation results showed that school
canteen in SD Negeri Mangunsari 03 Salatiga only has small room near 4th grade
class. Nevertheless, SD Negeri Mangunsari 03 Salatiga tried to build healthy
canteen in many ways, such as using display window to kept food, go strich
toward food that using addictive, sweetern, and clip. Conclusion: Some of rule
on school canteen in SD Negeri Mangunsari 03 is not match with Guidelines of
Ministry of Health no 1429/2006; Guidelines of Food Safety in elementary school
based on Ministry of Health regulalion in 2011, and Guidelines of School
Canteen’s food safety from BPOM in 2012 but lagerly already followed decree of
minister of health of the Republic of Indonesia no 942/Menkes/SK/VII/2003.
Keywords: elementary school;
canteen; policy
Penulis: Patricia, Reuhel
Christian, Herniana Noer Pritayanti, Wynda Lestari Lamaliwa
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170440