Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors among Women Aged Older than 45 Years Old in Makassar
Abstract: Cardiovascular
disease causes 8.6 million deaths of women every year, which is the major cause
of death by one-third of all deaths of women in the world. Half of all deaths
of women older than 50 years old is caused by cardiovascular and stroke
diseases. This study aimed to analyze risk factors related to coronary heart
disease among women aged older than 45 years at Dody Sarjoto Makassar Air Force
Hospital 2016. The total of sample was 76 consisting of 64 cases of coronary
heart disease and 12 non-coronary heart disease. Determination of sample used
purposive sampling. Primary data were obtained through interview to respondents
using questionnaire and direct interview. Data were analyzed by using
contingency correlation coefficient (Exp (B)) test to identify significant
relation between dependent and independent variables. Results found were
hypertension (Exp (B) = 0.309), obesity (Exp (B) = 0.140), diabetes mellitus
(Exp (B) = 0.164) and dyslipidemia (Exp (B) = 0.185), as proven having relation
with coronary heart disease among women aged older than 45 years, and the
factor which had the most significant relation was dyslipidemia.
Keywords: Cardiovascular
disease; diabetes mellitus; dyslipidemia; hypertension; physical activities;
Author: Masriadi, Hasta
Handayani Idrus, Arman
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg160022