Efektifitas sinar ultraviolet terhadap cemaran bakteri patogen pada makanan cair sonde untuk pasien immune-compremissed
Abstract: Food safety remained
as critical concern to immune-compremissed patient. Food safety assurance can
be achieved through inhibition of pathogenic bacteria by physical treatment
such as UV light radiation. However, a study regarding the effect of UV light
on growth of pathogenic bacteria in contaminated liquid food are scarce.
Objective : To determine the effectiveness of UV light on contamination
of pathogenic bacteria in liquid food for immune-compremissed patient.
Methods : Randomized design with two factor which were holding time for
60 and 120 minutes and radiation exposure (0, 5, 10 and 15 minutes). The data
was analyzed using ANOVA
Result : The viscosity and pH of liquid foods were 20 centipoise and 7,15
respectively. Radiation of UV light on contaminated food that have been
incubated for 60 and 120 minutes at 37oC showed significant increase (1-2 log
cycle) on growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Conclusion : Radiation of UV light on contaminated liquid food were not
effective to inhibit or kill pathogenic bacteria during holding time (60 and
120 minutes).
Keywords: Ultraviolet,
Contamination pathogenic bacteria, holding time, food safety, liquid food
Penulis: Ni Luh Sulatri, Ida
Bagus Agung Yogeswara, Ni Wayan Nursini
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170477