Efektivitas Penyuluhan Metode Aplikasi Inovatif GIGI SEHAT dan Pertunjukan Panggung Boneka terhadap Pengetahuan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Siswa Kelas IV & V SDN Kebonsari 02 Jember
Health Office in 2009 shows much the elementary school children are treated in
Community Health Center because of teeth decay in the amount of 41,38%.
Counseling in UKGS all this time uses lecture method which needs dentists,
times, and energy in implementation. In fact human resources to do the UKGS are
inadequate, so need an alternative method which is suited. Objective: To know
the effectiveness of counseling with innovative application GIGI SEHAT and
puppet show to dental health knowledge for IV & V grade students of SDN
Kebonsari 02 Jember. Method: The subject were students in IV and V grade of SDN
Kebonsari 02 Jember. Students are divided into three groups counseling method,
there were innovative application GIGI SEHAT, puppet show and lecture. Research
procedure was divided into three stages which were pretest, counseling, and
post test. Results and Conclusions: The data before and after counseling all of
the methods were analysed with Paired t-test, and the result of application
GIGI SEHAT and lecture showed that were significant difference (p<0,05) and
the puppet show was not significant. The results of three different test
methods used One Way Anova Test showed there was the significant difference
between three method (p>0,05). The different test counseling effectiveness
of each methods performed further test used Independent T-test showed that
application GIGI SEHAT and puppet show, application GIGI SEHAT and lectures
there were the significant differences ( p< 0.05 ).
Keywords: Dental Health
Counseling, Innovative Applications GIGI SEHAT, Lecture, Puppet Show, UKGS
Penulis: Qatrunnada Fath, Hestieyonini
Hadnyanawat, Kiswaluyo
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170049