Effect of Climatic Factors and Habitat Characteristics on Anopheles Larval Density
Abstract: Koya Barat village
is one of the areas in Jayapura City which has high incidence of malaria.
Malaria cases in this region are affected by local conditions, including the
climate and environment of aquatic habitats.The purpose of this study was to
analyze the effect of climatic factors and habitat characteristics on
Anopheleslarval density in Koya Barat village. The method used is field
observation with descriptive and statistical analysis approach.The results
showed that there are four parameters that significantly affect on larval
density, namely rainfall, air temperature, water temperature and salinity. The
relationship between rainfall with the larval density in freshwater permanent
habitat is negative linear. While in brackish water permanent habitat and semi
permanent habitat is non-linear (2nd order polynomial). The relationship
between air temperature, water temperature and salinity with the larval density
in freshwater habitat are positive linear, while in brackish water habitat and
semi permanent habitat are negative linear.
Keywords: rainfall, larval
density, water temperature, air temperature, salinity
Author: Noper Tulak, Handoko
Handoko, Rini Hidayati, Upik Kesumawati, Lukman Hakim
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg180014