Health Services, Maternal Intrinsic and Socio-Cultural Factors and Perinatal Mortality
Abstract: This study question
was how significant the determination of health services, maternal intrinsic
risk factors and socio-cultural factors on perinatal mortality. Its objective
was to construct a model of perinatal mortality pattern by case-control design.
The case population was all mothers with perinatal mortality. The sample-size
was 35 by simple random sampling with case-control ratio of 1:1 (35:35). The
data analysis applied Bivariate using Chi Square Test and Multivariate using
Logistic Regression Test. The Bivariate Analysis Results found the
risk-variables on Perinatal Mortality were Birth Attendant (OR=2.1; 1.63-2.7;
95%CI), Health Financing (OR=7.1; 1.82-27.8; 95% CI), Maternal Disease History
(OR=8; 2.05-31.16; 95%CI), Perinatal History (OR=6.47; 2.26-18.55; 95%CI) and
Custom (OR=2.17; 1.67-2.82; 95%CI). Multivariat Analysis found three consistent
risk variables on Perinatal Mortality i.e.: Health Financing (p=0.016; OR=6.8;
95% CI), Maternal Disease History (p=0.006; OR=8.41; 95%CI) and Perinatal
History (p=0.021; OR=4.3; 95%CI). It concluded that the most significant
determinant on Perinatal Mortality was Maternal Disease History.
Keywords: perinatal;
mortality; financing; disease; perinatal
Author: Andika Alexander Diaz
Viera, M R Pellokila, Rafael Paun
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg170058