Hubungan Faktor Demografi dan Perilaku Seksual Terhadap Kejadian Infeksi Menular Seksual pada Wanita Pekerja Seks
Abstract: Sexually transmitted
infections are infections that can be spread through vaginal, anal or oral.
Female sex workers particularly at risk for sexually transmitted infections.
Preliminary studies in Cilacap district STI clinic in 2011 showed that the
incidence of sexually transmitted infections is still quite high (60.81%).
Complex causal factors cause the difficulty of breaking the chain of IMS. This
study aims to analyze the relationship between demographic factors and
high-risk sexual behavior of high risk on the incidence of sexually transmitted
infections and the risk factors on the incidence of sexually transmitted
infections in female sex workers. Analytic survey research through case-control
study (case-control) with a total sampling on 70 female sex workers in brothels
Slarang conducted during the month of November 2013. Questionnaire as a means
of collecting research data. Univariate analysis to determine the frequency
distribution of incidence of STIs. Bivariate analysis using contingency
coefficient test. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression. The results
showed that there is a significant association between the incidence of STIs in
high- risk demographic factors with r value (0.239) and p-value (0.040), there
is a significant association between the incidence of STIs in high- risk sexual
behavior factors with values ​​of r (0.307; 0.230) and the p-value ( 0.007;
0.048) respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that condom use is not
routine is that most risk factors on the incidence of sexually transmitted
infections in female sex workers with OR value 5.835. Conclusions of the study:
female sex workers who do not regularly use condoms have 5.835 times greater
risk for sexually transmitted infections. A total of 65% the proportion of
female sex workers suffer preventable sexually transmitted infection, if condom
Keywords: female sex workers,
demographic factors, sexual behavior factors, sexually transmitted infections
Penulis: Yuli Fitriasih
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd180019