Hubungan status iodium ibu hamil trimester III dengan status iodium dan nilai antropometri bayi baru lahir di daerah GAKI
Abstract: Iodine essential for
thyroid hormone synthesis. Women in their pregnancy are susceptible of Iodine
Deficiency Disorder (IDD) since they are facing metabolism and hormonal
alteration. IDD in pregnant women gave bad impact to the growth and development
of the fetus. Determinant of the life continuity of the newborn babies and
their life qualities could be seen through the newborn baby condition based on
their body size proportions right after the birth.
Objective : Explaining the impact of the iodine status of the pregnant
women in their third trimester to the iodine status and anthropometric values
of the newborn babies.
Method : This research used non experimental study design cross sectional
to 52 pregnant women in their third trimester with the babies. The Urinary
Excretion of Iodine (UEI) for the examination of iodine status. To the newborn
babies, UEI examination and anthropometric measurement, consists of weight
birth (WB), length birth (LB), head circumference (HC) were done.
Result : There is a significant correlation between the mothers’ UEI and
the LB of the newborn babies (p=0,018). There is no significant correlation
between mothers’ UEI and the babies’ UEI (p=1,000), mothers’ UEI and the WB of
the newborn babies (p=0,548), mothers’ UEI and the newborn babies’ HC
Conclusion : There is a significant correlation iodine status of the
pregnant women in their third trimester <150 µg/L with the LB of the newborn
babies <48 cm, but there is no significant correlation with the UEI of the
newborn babies <100 µg/L, WB <2500 gram, HC<34 cm.
Keywords: Urinary Excretion of
Iodine, weight birth, length birth, head circumference
Penulis: Kartika Pibriyanti,
Darmono SS, Tjokorda Gde Dalem Pemayun
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170472