ABSTRACT: The efforts at decreasing
MMR should be done by integrating several related programs from the beginning
of pregnancy, childbirth, childbed, infant, toddler and couples of childbearing
age. The occurrence of maternal and neonatal death depends on the speed and
accuracy of the action when the emergency occurs. The presence of Public Health
Center capable of PONED is one of the answers to close community access toward
to midwife and newborn care to prevent complication and or get first service
when emergency obstetric and newborn emergency condition with service
requirement fulfill adequate service standard. Maternal Woman class is group
studying pregnant mothers with gestational age between 20 weeks to 32 weeks
(before childbirth) with maximum number of participants 10 people. In this
class, pregnant women will learn together, discuss and exchange experiences
about mother and child health as a whole and systematically and can be carried
out on a scheduled and continuous basis. The purpose of this research is to
know the monitoring and evaluation the implementation of pregnant class at
PONED Public Health Center at working area of Banjarnegara Regency. The
purpose of this research is to know the monitoring and evaluation of pregnant
class implementation in PONED Public Health Center at work area of
Banjarnegara Regency. The indicator of maternal class success consists of 3
things: input indicators, process indicators and out put indicators. The result
of the research is 1). All (100%) Pregnant women have Maternal Children Health
books. 2). Most of them (92%) K4 100% which means it has met the target. Only 1
Public Health Center (8%) alone have not met the target because only (79.7%).
3). All (100%) Pregnant women who fill P4K. 4). Most (92%) all (100%) pregnant
women are pregnant women who get Fe tablets. Only 1 Public Health Center (8%)
are not all (84.1%) pregnant women in pregnant women who get Fe tablets. 5).
Most (85%) of all (100%) pregnant women are pregnant mothers who choose
delivery help to health personnel either at Public Health Center, maternity
clinic or hospital. There are still 2 Public Health Center (15%) which not all
(98,9% and 97,2%) pregnant mother of pregnant class participant who choose
delivery aid to health worker either at Public Health Center, birthing clinic
or hospital. 6). Most (92%) of all (100%) pregnant women of pregnant class
participants carry out the KN completely. Only 1 Public Health Center (8%) are
not all (98,7%) pregnant mother of pregnant class participant carry out KN
completely. 7). There are (77%) of all (100%) of babies born to pregnant women
in pregnant mothers class by IMD. There are still 3 puskesmas (23%) which are
not all (98,7%, 85% and 53,78%) of babies born by pregnant mother pregnant
class participant is done IMD. 8). There are (61%) Public Health Center
involving less than 10 cadres in the class of pregnant women and there are
(39%) Public Health Center involving less than 10 cadres in the class of
pregnant women.
Keywords: Indicator Out put
class of pregnant women
Penulis: Dewie Sulistyorini
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170257